Prepare physically for band camp and PRAY not only for a safe and productive camp, but for the strong message on spiritual warfare that this show will be presenting!
Rookie camp: is July 15-17 from 8 am to 11 am (and musicians stay Tuesday, July16th for the afternoon) – they will join the older members starting July 18. If you are new to marching band then you are a rookie and are supposed to attend rookie camp (except for color guard who will incorporate into their CG camp. Bring your instruments each day but you will not use them all of the time. Also, on Tuesday make sure that you bring a lunch to eat between rookie camp and music rehearsal.
Color Guard Camp is July 15-19 from 8 am to 5 pm at Lower School gym (except for Thursday, July 18 evening with the FULL BAND).
As a parent organization, we are privileged to support our band program. One of the ways that our program raises money to fund instruments, uniforms, trips, etc. is our Visitor side concession stand. We need a few volunteers that will help each week with picking up Chick Fil A sandwiches, drinks/snacks, and possibly another food item that we will sell. We also need two parents in the first half and two parents in the second half each game to “man” the concession stand. A sign up sheet will be available soon.
Concession stand: pre game volunteers, Game time volunteers
Uniforms: help students pre game and post game with uniforms
Equipment haulers: help haul instruments (especially percussion) and show props back and forth to stadium